The bag that I bought from Studio Cate (ooh, the mint swirls tote wasn’t there when I was shopping…) got here in time to go on our trip! This is good for many reasons but mostly because I picked out my travel project to match!

I think I am making garter rib socks (it is hard to say, I am only on the first cuff) in LL Bittersweet (thank you again, Becky).
The Socks That Rock sport that I ordered for Toasty Toes is here too (yesterday was a very good day for mail). And I need help.

On the left is Lagoon (cool). On the right is Fred Flintstone (warm).
I am fairly confident that my Toasty Toe Match will like either one. But I just can’t pick! Do I go with the warm because it invokes the feeling of Toasty Toes? Or the cool because it is soothing and relaxing and a nice color for winter? Let’s put it to a vote:
***Poll Closed*** See July 23 entry for results!
Just to add a little fun, mention in my comments that you voted, and I will put you in a drawing for something. I don’t know what yet (ahhh, the mystery). But the packaging will be superb!
I hope this will keep you busy since Yarn Miracle content is gonna be kinda skimpy over the next week. The arts and crafts stuff takes up two suitcases and we have one carry-on packed full of potholder loops. If the plane is delayed, we will have a nice soft place to rest.