We had a terrible thunderstrom yesterday. I was doing domestic type things when I heard a BANG and Michael hollared really loud. I figured the cats had done something. So I went in and saw him in the process of laying down on the floor holding his hands and making a terrible face. The laptop was on the hearth. I quickly assessed the situation (like they teach you to do in First Aid).
I said: I can’t BELIEVE you had that plugged into the wall!
I said: Are you breathing? (he was)
I said: I CANNOT BELIEVE you had that plugged into the wall!
He said: Stop laughing at me. I am electrocuted.
I said: I’m not laughing.
He said: You sure didn’t run very fast.
I am at the heel of the second pink sock. I took it with me in the car to the DAR district conference in Montgomery. I did not knit during the actual meeting (even though it was Very Very Boring) but I did get the sock out for a picture after lunch.

Lunch was NOT good. The Pie was OK. We stopped at the Russell Stover Outlet on the way home.
Great Gran worked on a baby blanket.

She is also working on a really pretty cardigan from one of the Jaeger books I ordered. But I can’t remember to get a picture.
The above photos are courtesy of Mr. Pink.
The below photo is courtesy of the regular digital camera.

This is how William Henry prefers to read email.
Sure it looks cute, but his claws HURT. It makes me not want to check my email very often. Which might explain why I am so slow about it sometimes. Rotten cat.
I almost fogot! KT (not that one the other one) is hosting a Frog-a-Long! If you have a project that you can’t stand to finish or a finished one that you just can’t stand (and really, who doesn’t), don’t waste the yarn! Rip it right out on September 8, 9, and 10. You’ll feel so much better. I’ve already got my project picked out!