Daily Archives: June 21, 2008


I finished the romper and blocked it on the kitchen counter.


I want it to look good for pictures.

Thank you all for the overwhelming show of support for sleeveless!


I intended it to be sleeveless from the beginning. Honest.

Then I needed buttons. Buttons. Buttons. Buttons. How did I manage not to get buttons? So we went to Wal-Mart. Don’t mock. Unless you’re willing to drive 30 minutes to the next town (which I am certainly not), you just have to make do.


Nothing fancy (I told you about Wal-Mart).

The above picture was taken around 3 this morning. I couldn’t sleep. Ironically, Ellie could. Then the camera battery needed charging and I couldn’t get my pictures out or take new ones. It’s raining and Ellie is napping so modeled shots will just have to wait until tomorrow. It will be a Special Sunday Edition of Yarn Miracle.

I hear Michael starting the Wii! I have to go!