A heel at last.
Can I tell you a secret? I’ve never been so glad to see a Friday in all my life. I am so tired that I can barely function. Tomorrow, we’ll get halfway home. On Sunday, I’ll sleep in my own bed covered in kitties.
Maybe on Monday I will order a new rug. Ellie seems to have figured out how to roll to get places and the jute rug in the den doesn’t feel very nice on people skin (the cats love it).
Vacations are nice but it’s great to come home, too.
You poor thing! It’s absolute Heaven when you get to sleep in your own bed after a vacation, isn’t it? Maybe you and Ellie should take a nice long nap when you get home. 😉
My favorite thing about getting home from a wonderful vacation was sleeping in my own bed! Of course, nary a cat will ever join me, between hubby, allergies, and pups.
I love that yarn! What is it (or did you mention it earlier and I’ve flaked?)
I can see how the cats would love the jute…but how it might be a bit rough for human bebehs.
Happy sleeping! I love the socks.
Yes, vacations can be so draining! Many times I need to recover from a vacation. Funny thought, huh?
I love the feeling of my very own bed. I’ve even noticed a difference in my bed in my parents house, there is nothing like that.
I’m so jealous miss Ellie is still a 2 a day napper!