I am glad that The Great Virtual Cookie Swap was a random drawing! It would have been tragic if I had to personally sample every recipe and select a winner that way. Deliciously tragic. If we do this again, I may change the rules.
If you haven’t been keeping an eye on the cookie swap pool, I suggest you meander over there to get some ideas for next Christmas. Or next Tuesday.
Tasty thoughts have distracted me!
Drum roll, please.
There were 25 entries, but three were mine.

25 – 3 = 22
So I put 22 into a random number generator.

Out came the number 10!
So I started with the first goodies uploaded and counted up to ten.

It’s ls526‘s Oreo BonBons!
Which sound so easy and delicious (and great for any occasion, just change the decorative colors). But I don’t know who that is! ls526, would you please divulge your Secret Identity and mailing address to me (emily at yarnmiracle dot com) so that I can send your prize?

Who doesn’t need more recipes?
Congratulations to our Mysterious Winner and thank you to the 22 participants! You have boosted my Christmas score by 22 points (and my recipe folder by 22 recipes).
Emily: 31 Christmas: 43 Santa: 10
Today’s post was brought to you by Skitch.
Congrats to the winner and congrats to everyone for some delicious-looking goodies!
How does one access the recipes? Do I have to join the Flickr group? The pictures look so great, I’d love to see the recipes.
Congrats to the mysterious winner. How fun. Great idea and I loved follwing it. THanks for including Huck in the fun!
Congrats to the winner. That was actually a recipe that I have sampled before and always wanted to know how to do it. The swap was a blast! Thanks for the great idea!
Argh. I took pictures but thought I had until the end of the year to upload them. Oops.
Congratulations, Whoever-You-Are!
Another fun contest comes to an end…plop.
Whatever will we do now?? Knit?
Clickety, click. 🙂
Thanks, again for a lovely good contest, and a Happy New Year to all.
Argh, I totally forgot to add my pictures! Oh well, just imagine some super yummy shortbread, gingersnaps, and baklava. 🙂
Congrats! And yes, I’m still adding to the pool–I can’t help it, all that cookie pron!!! 😉