Ready for a new Yarn Miracle?

I need to make him one more time to double check the pattern and take a couple of in-progress pictures, then the pattern is ready for test knitters. Test knitters acquired! Thanks a bunch!

Ellie likes him.
I was going to get a picture where you could see the fox’s whole body and tail, but he is having his nap and I’m not taking any chances with waking Ellie. But I will show you what he looked like before he was yarn.

Spitting image.
Wish I could test-knit for you. But I’m still too new at knitting to be much use. Not to mention that my free time (with all these needy kids!) is next to none. (:
Another wonderful creation 🙂 If you are still looking for testers, I would be delighted to help. I will add his color to my yarn order, but in the mean time,I could work on a grey version that could become a wolf.
Der Fuchs!
Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!
Have emailed you asking to be a tester.
He’s a little cutie-pie. I could just imagine a picture story where the fox chases the chickens…
Too cute!
I test knitted the Chicken for you… and am ready to add a Fox to the hen house!
Hope you are well.
Ah, to committed to test knit this time, but will happily buy from Etsy :8-)
Very cute!
Who wouldn’t like this Mr.Fox! He is so handsome and I really like his eyes. I think he would make a fine Robin Hood, and Maid Marion probably would agree.
So why is your post titled “The New Owl” when you have clearly made a fox?