Our mail wasn’t early yesterday. It wasn’t even on time. But when it did get here, two boxes were waiting:

Fourth Place is easy, but who is that on top?
In the Fourth Place Spot, Eight’s Great! With a great dish cloth from Amanda:

Lots of treats, but do you know what I was wishing for all afternoon (I even considered dumping Ellie’s markers to get one)? A zipper bag! It’s like she read my mind.

My scissors, needle tin, and pen won’t roll around in the bottom of my big project bag anymore! Perfect. Ellie and I also spent a while applying the temporary tattoos to her tummy (her pick). A really good time – especially since she is ticklish. Many many thanks, Amanda! Congratulations to Captain Marie on such a close finish!
As soon as I looked at the return address label, I knew which team was our fifth place finisher: 11th Round Knockout – last leg by Melissa!

Green green green. I love it when things match!
Look at all the tea and beautiful dish cloth! The stitch markers, also green, don’t seem to have made it in the picture. They are already in my knitting bag – I don’t like to waste time. And wait, what’s that?

“E-L-L-I-E that’s ME!”
And inside…

Magnets! Frog, hearts, puppy, monkey!
I have it on good authority that monkeys belong upside down. (Pst: Take and Replace Swappers recognize the sheep?) Thank you so so much, Melissa, we loved out box! Congratulations on a top five finish, 11th Round Knockout! Great work, Captain Billie Jo!
Will more boxes cross the finish line today? What time will they arrive? Stay tuned to find out!
Dish Rag Tag V Final Standings
3x the Charm………..10/8/2011
Purls Gone Wild……..10/8/2011
Eight’s Great………10/11/2011
11th Round Knockout…10/11/2011