Pitcher Plants
Visiting the Splinter Hill Bog Preserve this morning.
Pitcher Plants
Visiting the Splinter Hill Bog Preserve this morning.
Ellie has had an unhappy tummy for the past couple days. She has been eating a lot of crackers.
A LOT of crackers.
Everything is covered in cracker crumbs.
And everybody.
Betty also loves carrots.
Pulling the carrots and getting ready to plant the tomatoes. And the peppers. And the corn. And the squash. And the catnip.
I forgot that I was naming all the modern-style toys after flowers, so I went with ‘Hydrangea’ for the hippo. Now I’m working on a classic dog, an elephant and I’ve got a bear in a really luscious merino/alpaca in my To Go bag. After that, I need to do a classic monkey and a Roger cat and then I’ll feel re-stocked enough to work on something new!
Daisy Dog
Now I’m working on a Hippo. A I can’t decide if she is a Plum Hippo or a Persimmon Hippo (it’s a new shade). Probably Persimmon. It’s more fun to say.
Michael needs a new pair of glasses. A box of five sample frames from Warby Parker arrived in the mail yesterday. These are Ellie’s favorites.
They match her Build-a-Bear glasses
Oh, the beard. He couldn’t decide if he was doing Movember, and then liked his beard and left it. Ellie LOVES it. And I love it when Ellie draws his picture: he’s got a squiggly on his head for his ‘curlers’ and a squiggly on his chin for his beard.
We’ll just see how long this post-more-with-more-pictures-and-less-words thing lasts.
Poppyseed Cat
It’s getting harder and harder to come up with flavor names for all the different grays. While I’m waiting on my Ravenwood Kid (arriving sometime this summer), I’m trying to knit up the other cashmere I have. Poppyseed is made from Jade Sapphire in the aran weight.