My latest sheep head. I think I got his eyes too far apart.

Melissa’s Sheep Head (and cat)

Susanna’s Sheep Head (the shiny safety eyes really work for me)
Anybody else got a noggin finished?
My latest sheep head. I think I got his eyes too far apart.
Melissa’s Sheep Head (and cat)
Susanna’s Sheep Head (the shiny safety eyes really work for me)
Anybody else got a noggin finished?
I’ve enlisted seven test knitters (hey, why not) for the Sheep Pattern so it’s feeling more like a knit-along than a test knit. I’m not completely sure what one *does* during a knit-along beyond everybody knitting the same thing at once, but it sounds like fun!
In case you forgot what she looks like.
Does anyone else want to join in? I’ll leave the comments open until Saturday night to see if there are any takers. We’re knitting the as-yet-untested sheep pattern and sending me notes. I haven’t finished mine’s head yet, so you aren’t far behind.
If you’re posting progress pictures on your blogs, or if you’ve got sheep pictures you’d like to share let me know and I’ll post/share/whatnot here.
Starting another sheep to knit along with the Test Knitters.
Sprout and Aslan Trends Lecco
I’ve never worked with the Lecco. If I were a responsible knitter, I’d swatch with it to make sure it will do. Since I am only a semi-responsible knitter, I’ve pulled out some Rowan Pure Life to carry along with it if it doesn’t work.
I should be able to tell pretty quickly. Right about the time I have to pull it all out and start over.
We went to Mary Ester this past weekend and somehow I didn’t take a single picture. But I did finish up the pattern I’ve been working with (and all the pieces for newly listed Snow Cone Tabby).
Anybody want to test knit a sheep?
If there are a couple of you who intend to make a sheep anyway, and wouldn’t mind looking over the pattern while you do it, I would really appreciate it! The idea behind the sheep is for knitters to pick a fun an unique yarn for her wooly parts so that each sheep is one of a kind. I used ‘Fusion’ (held together with some Rowan Pure Life) for the example because it made such a nice yarn idea sampler. If you’ve got a bit of handspun or something that you don’t know what to do with, this might be a good project for it. You only need…
Wait. I haven’t done the math for the yarn amounts yet. I’ll do that right now.
**Thank you Volunteers! I still haven’t done the math.**
Ellie thinks this is the Greatest. Mug. Ever.
The kitty mug came from Heidi’s Shoppe and we LOVE it! She’s made a kitty yarn bowl too…
Happy Father’s Day!
Kitty face.
Doggy face.
We won’t be using the front door for a while.
I guess that location worked well for her last year.
I’m still trying to figure out what to do about Dish Rag Tag. Response was enthusiastic but not overwhelming in numbers. It’ll take Michael about 30 hours to remake the application. SO. I am considering the low-tech version I had originally planned all those years ago (team list of addresses enclosed in the box instead of a tracking application) is our best bet for a last DRT hurrah. A small race with three teams (cap of 42 players) makes this doable. If anyone would like to weigh in – I’d appreciate the opinions.