Things We’re Dealing With


Truman died today. He’d been acting sort of off for a few days – he was wearing his sad dog face. We thought it was his antibiotics, so he quit taking them. He still felt bad so he went to see his doctor this morning. Turns out he had a surprise giant spleen tumor.

We miss him a very great deal.

11 thoughts on “Things We’re Dealing With

  1. Lisa

    So sorry for your loss. His face says it all though: he had a lot of love in his life. Lucky dog.

  2. Colleen

    Oh no….. :(. We are all wearing our sad dog faces over here. Hugs and sloppy dogs kisses from us.

  3. Coralee

    I’m so sorry to read about Truman. Perhaps the future will make room for a new member to the Ivey family. It will never be the same but it will create a new happy. Hugs to all.

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