Monthly Archives: June 2017

Doing Better

I really should be putting things away. Instead, I’m migrating to a new book (aka planner). It’s amazing how puffy these things get. The one on the top is everything since January. The one on the bottom is new in its plastic wrap.

Old on top, new on the bottom.

Lady Bird is doing much better.

In the den.

She’s mostly eating and takes a new heart medication twice a day. She’s going back to the vet this afternoon to make sure it’s working. Our new vet is getting to know us very quickly.

One of these days I’ll be picked up enough to show some of the house. But not today.

Afternoon Into Evening

That’s a moving box to the right. Everyone likes the empty boxes.

I’ve been so proud of how well the cats are adjusting. Lady Bird especially. Since she can’t see and is easily startled, I expected her to be one of the last out from under the bed. She surprised me by being the first out the door when we expanded their space. She’s been all over the house, navigating the box piles and rediscovering the furniture. She was doing great until she caught Washington’s sniffle (which we thought was a dust allergy). She stopped eating – an extra big problem since she has thyroid issues and her food is her medicine. She went to the (new very nice) vet on Friday for fluids and antibiotics. She seemed perkier yesterday and woke me up this morning, although she didn’t want breakfast. If she doesn’t have a snack tonight and breakfast tomorrow, it’s back to the vet.

6-21-2017 She ate a bitty bit. We still carried her to the vet for a different antibiotic, fluids, and a pill to make her hungry. This morning she and Abigail rejected breakfast and ate a little lunch. This is worrisome and aggravating.

6-22-2017 12:30am Started getting foamy, threw up, rapid breathing. She’s at the emergency vet. After a chest x-ray, the best guess is a bad reaction to her new antibiotic. Sooooo back to regular vet at a reasonable hour.

6-26-2017 Heart trouble! She’s got a 2x a day heart pill now. She’s eating again. But only wet food. But she will take her pill in her food so that’s something. I giver her the pill laced food and when that is gone, add more to her dish.

A Week Ago Today

Last week about this time, the moving truck was stuck in the mud.

There was a whole lot of rain in a little bit of time. Surprise!

One of our good friends helped it get unstuck.

You’ll have a yard you love in a year. I promise.

It’s a good story now, but at the time I was very stressed, very sad, slightly hysterical, and feeling like I would never ever get away.

Now I’m feeling like I will never be finished with boxes. Never never ever. So I’m just taking a minute to put my feet up and post.

The view from my room to Ellie’s.

Climate – it’s not Political

I feel like some facts. The Weather Channel does too.

The difference between ice and water is just one degree. There’s only 8 miles of ice keeping that iceberg the size of Delaware attached to an Antarctic shelf. According to the article, that’s more than 300,000 times the size of the iceberg associated with the Titanic. The scientist quoted says “that’s not the most concerning” of the things that are going on down there.

In other weather news, it still looks like scattered thunderstorms on Load the Truck Day next week. In other moving news, there is still a lot to pack.