
We took the kitties to the vet the day before yesterday. Judy had leukemia so now we only have one kitty. And I have had a very sad few days.

But Betty is doing fine. Well, I said that and then I went to take her picture, and she has gone down the hole in the fireplace where you are supposed to scrape the ashes – I thought is was full and there was no room for her to go down! We have determined that she is in the bottom of the chimney and (as near as we can tell) there are only two ways out: the way she got in and a little door where you are supposed to get the ashes out. Serves me right for letting her out of the bathroom. So there is now tuna all over the fireplace and I am waiting for her to come out. Do you think catnip would help? I’ve printed the mousie pattern from Wendy’s mouse-a-long to make her a treat. I’ll keep you updated.

As far as knitting goes, I worked on M’s socks while waiting to get my hair cut this morning. I am such a slack knitter – but I am a slack knitter with a darn cute haircut!

I’ve been so busy lately, the only knitblogger I’ve been keeping up with regularly is Laurin who is having a terrible time with the Tyrolean Cardigan. Not the pattern so much as the remembering that she wanted to make it longer. I’ll get around to the whole blogroll eventually – possibly on this long long afternoon while I am waiting for Betty to come out of the hole.

5 thoughts on “new

  1. Jen

    So sorry to hear about your kitty. I love your blog — I discovered it a few weeks ago. I’m planning to knit my first Vintage Knits sweater later this year — it’s a great book!

  2. danielle

    Hey! I was going to comment on the earlier entry, but couldn’t figure out how. A few things –

    Yes! It is an incredibly cute haircut! I cut my hair last week – was growing my bangs out, and it was all just driving me crazy, so I took the ole scissors and cut some of the rest of my hair to match my whispy bangs. It’s such a relief.

    I was so excited to read about your kitties, and then so upset to read that Judy had to be put down. (And I do love their names, I am a big fan of White Christmas – were you going to make them sing “Sisters” with little kitty fans?) Feline Leukemia is a long slow death, so you did a Very Good Thing by helping her out; you’re also very lucky that Betty did not have it as well. In fact, I’d make sure that the vet retests her in six months, just to be sure, especially if they were sister kitties. Factoid from my days at the vets: Cats who stay strictly indoors live on average TWICE as long as cats who live outside or indoor/outdoor. (And, from my experience, are more expensive to maintain – they require more vaccines, and tend to get wounded from dog attacks, cat fights, etc regularly, and have more fleas/ticks.) However, if I lived somewhere amenable to it, I would love to let my cats run around outside, sit in the sun, and go hunting – Briarcliff Rd just does not permit it.

    mit lieb!

  3. Christina

    I’m so sorry to hear about your cat. Maybe Betty was just trying really hard to keep your mind off of Judy. At least you got her out! The worst thing my cats have done is get stuck behind the washer and dryer. My arms aren’t long enough to reach back and pull them out, so they always have to wait for my husband to save them.

  4. Ippy

    Well, seems I have been missing all the fun! Rotten sickness. I am terribly pleased for you and your too cute blog! I will be checking in daily now to keep up with you and all the good times. And, oh my yes, that is a VERY cute hair cut (mostly because it looks a little like mine) 🙂

    Ippy McCloud (the sister that just caught on to the good thing)

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