Michael and I are no longer expecting a baby in May. Which is Extremely Unusual once the baby has a heartbeat.
This explains my recent Leave of Absence from my blog. A Leave of Absence that will probably continue for another week or so.
For those of you who don’t know us, Michael and I tend to deal with sad things very privately. This is why my comments are closed (which totally sucks because my Toasty Toes entry is right below this one so please please please leave Lynne all the sweet and complimentary comments that you would have left here – she completely deserves them, they are Marvelous Socks and I love them).
I hate if I upset or hurt anyone by not wanting to discuss or write back or even think about this. Just chalk it up to my being “dark and twisty inside” and that everyone grieves differently and know it is certainly not personal.
I am not gone for good or anything, and there is certainly a future of itty bitty knitty things here at Yarn Miracle. But when I do come back (with a finished Cutaway, two pairs of socks and more of the wretched CounterPain squares), I am going to be moving forward and not talking about this. I hope that you will all move forward with me. William Henry will miss the attention if you don’t.