The final box is here!
But I can’t open it until after…
The final box is here!
But I can’t open it until after…
Ellie says “I love Dish Rag Tag! We never know what is in the mailbox!” So true! A couple days ago we found…
..boxes 9 and 10!
Box Number 9 belongs to All Four One!
It’s packed full of little things!
Ellie is already planning what to put the buttons on, insists that the stitch markers with the crochet flowers belong on a necklace and is REALLY excited about playing tiny Uno! I am excited about the beautiful dish cloth from Sara and the really pretty sunshine yarn. Such great colors! Thanks for bringing sunshine into my day All Four One. Congratulations to all of you and to your Team Captain Natalie! (Natalie: love the Tiered Coat – and the toddler in it!)
A small amount of sleuthing was required to deduce the Team Affiliation of Box 10. Is it coincidence or some sort of eerie foreshadowing that the tenth box to finish the race belongs to team Perfect 10? Meredith knits a great dish cloth!
And packs a great box!
Ellie and I (and the five girl cats) appreciate “Girl Power” philosophy! We also appreciate M&Ms, but for different reasons. I tell you what I really like though, that little fluff of a yarn! It’s got a subtle variegation of blue and grey – like the Gulf before a storm. Really lovely – it is always a treat to try new fiber.* Many thanks to Perfect 10 and Team Captain Jessica! (Ah! Tulip Cardigan! What is with all the great baby sweater pictures this morning? It’s like I need to finish my own kid’s sweater or something! I haven’t told you about that? Just one Dish Rag Tag box to go and then I’ll share!)
Dish Rag Tag V Final Standings
3x the Charm……10/8/2011
Purls Gone Wild……10/8/2011
Eight’s Great……10/11/2011
11th Round Knockout……10/11/2011
Knit 1, Win 1……10/13/2011
Round Tuit……10/14/2011
Lucky 7s……10/15/2011
All Four One……10/17/2011
Perfect 10……10/17/2011
*Which, incidentally, gives me an idea for a swap. But I have a lot of ideas for swaps and no time to host them. It would be a drop of something you enjoyed from your stash and pattern for a small object that can be made from it. (bookmark, wee tiny sock, ornament, etc). And perhaps an uncommon/local/weird candy, recipe or something edible like that to try. If anyone does a “Try it, You’ll Like It!” yarn swap, just go ahead and sign me up.
Yesterday, I didn’t make it to the mailbox. But Michael and Ellie did!
Taken with an iPhone.
Congratulations, Round Tuit, your box has made it home! And loaded with fun goodies too.
Sorry for the terrible tungsten.
I know it doesn’t look like it from the wonderful lighting, but Tonni‘s dish cloth is very pretty and the new yarn might be one of my new favorites! The little purse (Ellie found the quarter this morning!) is darling! See that little package down in front? It has Ellie’s name on it.
“Mama, how you make the pen come out?” We found a sharpener.
Glitter hair clips and glow sticks are an Ellie’s dream come true! She tried the orange glow stick in the ceramic jack-o-lantern out front, brushed her teeth by glow stick and kept it on her dresser last night.
But wait, there’s more! The Tuit Team Captain, Alaina, made a treat for her whole team…
…and me!
And then RECIPES! I said the day before yesterday that I was getting bored with all our food choices. Y’all’s psychic abilities are really something.
Let’s try what other people have for dinner!
Thank you so much Alaina, Tonni and Round Tuit! You made our day.
In other news, the prizes are in the mail.
There’s postage on them and everything.
Dish Rag Tag V Final Standings
3x the Charm……10/8/2011
Purls Gone Wild……10/8/2011
Eight’s Great……10/11/2011
11th Round Knockout……10/11/2011
Knit 1, Win 1……10/13/2011
Round Tuit……10/14/2011
No mail yesterday, but in the box today:
Nice tape!
The sixth place finisher in the Race for Dish Rag Tag Glory is Knit 1, Win 1! With treats from LaTina (who practically lives next door):
The dish cloth is beautiful! The clampy clippy magnet things are already on the fridge ready to hold important things, and Ellie found her stickers right away. She also took the candy. I didn’t see her name on it anywhere, but she said she did. It was hard to argue with that.
Many thanks, neighbor! And thanks to Captain Bronwyn for guiding Knit 1, Win 1 to Dish Rag Tag Glory!
The envelopes for the prizes are on my kitchen table. The chances that I will get these mailed this week look pretty good!
Dish Rag Tag V Final Standings
3x the Charm………..10/8/2011
Purls Gone Wild……10/8/2011
Eight’s Great……..10/11/2011
11th Round Knockout…10/11/2011
Knit 1, Win 1…….10/13/2011
Ellie and I were ready for the early mail delivery today! It’s a good thing:
Two boxes today!
First out is last delivered, so in Third Place we have…
Purls Gone Wild!
And last out is first delivered so Second Place goes to…
Um. I don’t know who.
It appeared to be the original box so when we got inside, we spent several minutes peeling back layers of mailing levels to discover…
3x the Charm!
Yay! Hooray! Three cheers for 3x! The crowd goes wild for the Purls!
It won’t let me post in your team forums for some reason (and Michael is off watching football with Great Gran), so I offer congratulations here! 3x the Charm, I will be in touch with Team Captain Lesley to see which bag color y’all want (red or turquoise – the A-NINE-ILATORS have picked purple), so make your wishes known to her!
I’ll so a big Reveal of box contents tonight or tomorrow – I’ve promised not to open the new ones until Ellie is up from her nap.
Dish Rag Tag V Final Standings
3x The Charm……….10/8/2011
Purls Gone Wild…….10/8/2011
No mail today either!
Two teams have tagged me! Will this be another photo finish?!
I was counting tags just now, and it looks like both Eight’s Great and the A-Nine-ilators have made their sixth tag!
And before the prizes are even here! I expect them in the mail today but I just couldn’t wait to say GO TEAMS!
Does anyone have any Dish Rag Tag V stories or posts to share in the comments?