I do feel like I am getting better!
I’m also really enjoying these little projects. They are just enough. I renewed my membership in the CozyBlue Stitch Club.
I do feel like I am getting better!
I’m also really enjoying these little projects. They are just enough. I renewed my membership in the CozyBlue Stitch Club.
I can’t really tell if I’m getting any better at this. At least I am enjoying it!
How many more times we can use the little plastic animals in the last 10 weeks of Oak Meadow Grade 2?
Science Last Week: How people use animals. (fiber animals included)
Ellie finished her embroidery project.
Time to get a frame!
We’ve also been carrying and borrowing in math (regrouping). We’ve covered all the multiplication tables up to 12 (Ellie has learned 2, 10, 4, 3, 11, and we’re working on 5 – all without stress or memorizing for a test yay), food chains, economics (money v. bartering), scarcity, animal tracks and locomotion, opinion writing, narrative writing, book summaries, descriptive writing, and have read all the things and then some. She makes associations between the content we’ve covered and her experiences in the outside world. Her writing is uh…substantial, so we’ve talked about topic sentences, supporting sentences, and conclusions to help her better organize her ideas (not in the Grade 2 curriculum – don’t stress). Her spelling has been the most surprising improvement for me (without weekly spelling tests and memorization yay) – lots of writing gives a person time to internalize spelling.
This is the BEST EVER. Happy Pi Day!
(we had key lime)
Ellie and I are trying a little embroidery.
First we practiced basic stitches.
pink on pink is the new awesome
Then the transfer pens got here (THESE ARE SO COOL) and we made designs for a bigger project.
A day without cats is a day without…a lot of things really.
Disappearing ink pens don’t work for us when we do big projects because the humidity removes the marks them in about half an hour. I mark sewing projects with ball point sometimes. I’ve got my eye out for an iron-away marking pen.
Pro Tip: A stabilizing fabric behind the working fabric is important. I didn’t know this when I did that little house thing over Christmas and it won’t iron out all nice and flat. We’re using the light weight interfacing that I had in my machine sewing stuff.
I’m already thinking about embroidering stuff on my knitting.
Y’all have a good Christmas? Ours isn’t quite over yet – part of it got rained out and is rescheduled to the coming weekend.
Ellie finished Gran’s scarf in time.
My sister’s house has lots of trees.
She got a GIANT BARBIE HOUSE from Santa. Betty also likes it – she can walk right through the bottom floor like it’s a cat tunnel.
Anna and Elsa are still getting settled in their new place.
I’m trying something new.
Embroidery is REALLY FUN. It also makes me need glasses. I have some project ideas.
I plan to have a constant caffein supply all day today. I’m typically asleep by 8:30pm – it’s dark then and time for sleeping – so New Year’s Eve is challenge for me.
Happy New Year!