Michael and Ellie are both on a school field trip today. One of the other chaperones was sick so Michael has all the little girls in the class in his group. This really has me tickled. Since they are both occupied, I’ve got a minute to talk. But just a minute. I’ve got to tell you something.
I did a crazy thing and said I’d be PTO president at the elementary school this year.
I know.
I thought I’d have all this free time when school started again. And now there is no time for anything that isn’t on fire. And Ellie has lost two teeth.

My sister and I collaborated on some pictures. I took them, she made them look good with her fancy photography skills.
Everything is pretty good. I miss Great Gran. Ellie and I both like her first grade teacher (who, in true small town fashion, we are related to). I was really struggling with the new creature I was working with at the beginning of the summer so I put him up for a while. It’s about time to pull him out for a fresh perspective. We ended up ordering Ellie’s Halloween costume this year – there was no way I could make it for the price in the catalog and it’s pretty amazing. Michael and I are trying to decide if we want to dress up too.
Now I have to go get ready for the first Girl Scout Daisy meeting of the school year. Yup. Doing that too.
I know.
I hope I can figure out how to write to you more. I’ve missed our little chats.