Tag Archives: vote

Next Step

OK. So the next step is to be this motivated in the down ballot races so we never get another Roy Moore. R or D, we need to fill our seats with candidates that favor of basic human decency.

PS Thank you to everyone who made me a part of the 2% write-in vote. Maybe I’ll run for city council in a year or two when Ellie is out of elementary school.

Official Announcement

This is the official announcement of my write-in campaign for Alabama’s Senate Seat.

Write me in! I got 8 votes against Jo Bonner one of those times he was running unopposed.

Y’all, I got an A in civics, memorized the Bill of Rights in 6th grade, have a general understanding of the Constitution, and can pass a criminal background check. So I’m already way more qualified than Roy Moore and much more interested in funding education.

I’m also registered as an Independent*. So no worries about that pesky ‘D’ by my name, I haven’t got one!

On December 12, Choose Kindness. Write in Emily Ivey for Senate.

*I’ve been thinking about it and it’s possible I’m just not registered with either state-recognised party. I registered to vote in Alabama when we moved here 15ish years ago and that’s a long time to remember if you got to check the box you wanted. Either way, I don’t have a ‘D’ so no worries.

I’m Emily Ivey and I approved this message.

Election Day: Vote for the Helpers

Our special election isn’t until December 12, but I know there are a lot of people who do have the opportunity to go to the polls today. If you have that chance, please go.

Figure out the kind candidates. Notice the thoughtful candidates. Identify the candidates who will pick people over party. Look for the helpers.

Voting is your chance to make the world a better place.

Voting is your chance to “do something.”

Show up and vote every chance you get.

Extra Special Election

Alabama’s Special Election Primary is today. In case you haven’t been keeping up, we’re voting on candidates to fill Attorney General Sessions’ seat and finish his term. Ellie and I strolled across the street to do our Civic Duty.

We do it for the stickers.

It was lonely in there. It looked like mine was the fourth name on the voter roster. There were four poll workers.

Go vote, Alabama! You’ve got so many choices today – there’s even a Democratic primary ballot! It’ll only take a minute since there’s nobody in line…

Update: You might have seen us on the national news. We’ll have a Republican runoff on September 26 between Roy Moore (Alabama has fired him TWICE) and Luther Strange (got his appointment under Dubious Circumstances involving our Former Governor). Doug Jones (successfully prosecuted two of the men who bombed a church in Birmingham in 1963 and killed four little girls) will represent the small blue dots. Just as a general point of interest: Alabama hasn’t elected a Democrat to the Senate since Senator Shelby in 1992. He defected to the Republican Party two years later and is still Alabama’s senior senator. Out of 3.3 million registered voters, only 578,326 people cast ballots on Tuesday. That’s not democracy.

Suffrage (maybe the most political you’ll ever see me)

When you are faced with that empty ballot, maybe take a deep breath and find some peace.

I always think about all those “I Voted” stickers on Susan B. Anthony’s headstone. Ellie and I are 19th Amendment people. Her bedroom window is loaded with “I Voted” stickers.

Then I think about the woman who were kept from practicing their constitutional right to vote for another 40 years after the 19th Amendment passed.

Then I mark my ballot.

PS Don’t forget to flip your ballot over and check the back! Alabama has 14 amendments back there. Edited to Add: Baldwin county has five more that I wasn’t ready for! Also, (like in New York) no ballot selfies allowed in Alabama!
PPS Edited again to add: Selvage has an interesting article about prison embroidery by suffragettes.
PPPS One more: Susan B. Anthony’s cemetery is open late tonight to accommodate the steady crowd of visitors.

If You’re Following Along

The 1 mill, which needed 60% of the vote to pass, failed.
The 3 mill, which needed a simple majority, passed (56%).

While the county has lost about $3.6 million for schools, it’s kept enough millage to get matching money from the state and to stay in compliance with state funding requirements.

The school system gets to keep the majority of it’s budget. At least enough to not implode in the next year or so.

There are only provisional ballots left to be counted, so the media seems to feel secure with these results:

