Let me get right to it. I haven’t even opened them because I know there are knitters out there developing ulcers from the stress.
Today is a great day for Dish Rag Tag. When I opened the mailbox, this slid right out:

It landed just like that!
I got out my sharpie marker and labeled it right away.

The first out is the last delivered. There’s another box in the back.
The box that jumped right into my hands belongs to…

Chronicles of Yarnia!
Which means…
That this box…

This box that is nothing but packing tape…
Belongs to…

Needling Ninjas!
I thought the suspense was going to kill me. Congratulations to both teams for the most amazing race yet. I was sweating there towards the end!
I would also like to point out: that’s my handwriting on the boxes. These are the same fragile little Flat Rate boxes that began this race a month ago. The boxes that I was pretty sure wouldn’t make it through three team members survived a whirlwind tour of the US. These things are held together with sheer will…and an entire roll of packing tape. It brings a tear to my eye.