This was one of the strongest weeks so far (in my opinion) for a couple of reasons.
Reason 1: COMPASS.

Finding North. She drew a compass rose in the driveway. There was also a map to treasure.
Reason 2: Math Wheel.
Math wheels are a very Waldorf method for reinforcing the patterns in the multiplication tables (taught along with skip counting – “counting by 3s” etc.) among other things. It’s just neat.
It’s basically a circle with the numbers 0-9 evenly spaced around the outside and a nail (or hand crafted wooden peg if you have a fancy wheel) by each number. There’s a piece of yarn tied at 0 (since you start counting at zero). To form the patterns, pick a times table and wrap the yarn as you go around…for 2s you wrap 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 (which is 2 again, but since you are counting as you go it makes sense as you pass 10 which is 0), and on until you run out of string.
This is what you get for 3:
Here’s 4:
And here’s a bunch of them all on top of each other because pretty.

Guess which is green.
Pretty sweet, right?
Totally made up for when Lucy ate last week’s plant science experiment.
Wow, I love that math wheel!! Wish I knew about it years ago, would have been great for the boy