Daily Archives: September 1, 2004
Sometimes Angus likes to get up early in the morning and chase the geese. It can get noisy.
Meathead: A Photo Essay

My Meathead kit arrives.

Ooooh! Is that tea?

It is tea!

All done. Betty made a few changes to the pattern.

Ready for the Return Trip.
After I overcame my inability to cast on 36 stitches (I don’t know what was up with that), the Meathead was smooth sailing. I think it took about an hour to complete and is already back in the hands of the USPS. Angus was barking, so I know the mailman has been here.
This morning, after spillng my entire bowl of cheerios (milk and all), I finished up the back to M’s vest. The cat is included for scale. All she wants to do these days is have her picture taken. Sorry about that. I am also working on another practice swatch. This one is a snowflake.