My Darling Sister’s Excessively Long Socks are growing.

That’s Cyril, my iMac (I love him) and Jeremy my iPod (also loved). Jeremy is shown getting a new book for me to listen to. Freakishly Long Socks go faster with a story.
Since this was taken, I watched CSI Miami, Gilmore Girls, two Scrubs and made it halfway through the ankle pattern. I should get to the foot today. Hear that, Darling Sister? TODAY. Measure your foot and call me. Surprisingly, this is not as tedious as I thought it would be: I like the Haneke yarn a lot, plus the diamond pattern and constant shaping keep it on this side of mindless. Just so you know, there is a mistake in the ankle pattern (it’s a misprint, really) on row 8. It’s easy to see – One of These Rows is Not Like the Others – no one should have any angst about it.
I did swatch for the Inferior Cardigan and have decided to use size 5s and make the version of the sweater that I have mathematically determined will come out at 39.2″. The Perfect Cardigan measures in at 41 inches (but I don’t think it started out that way). The next thing I need to determine is which version of the sleeves was used. There is a sort of garter stitch trim at the raglan edges that adds a lot of style to the Perfect Cardigan.
Also, I started thinking about bedspreads. I’ve got one that Gran-mother made (crochet). But it’s a little delicate (it was stored here in the house without the benefit of climate control for many years) and a hair too short for the bed. I asked Great Gran if she had ever seen a knit bedspread. She said, “There’s one that Gran* made in the bathroom.”

Here is a more detailed picture of the squares.
How cool is THAT? Great Gran also said that she had a pattern for a spread that was similar and she would look for it. I came right home and googled (just in case the pattern was lost forever) and found this one and this one which would be great substitutes. But she did find the pattern, it’s a pale copy so it won’t photograph well, you’ll just have to trust me.
After toying briefly with using the Haneke wool/linen to make the spread (this would cost as much as one of the new intel macs), I’ve ordered a little bit of two yarns from Halcyon: 3/2 Pearl Cotton and 8/4 Cotton Carpet Warp; both are coming in “natural”. I am going to make a square or two with each and see which works better. Just so you know, I have no intention of making this massive thing all at one time. That would make for some very boring knitting. I am thinking a square here, a square there … with a goal of one square a week I could be finished in as little as six years. Six years?! Yeah, I just did the math again. I may need to think this over. And weep.
*Gran is Gran-mother’s mother which makes her Great Gran’s grandmother and my great great grandmother. If you are confused by this, please feel free to email me.