I finished! I finished the entire list of Olympic Bloggers! I read everyone except for folks named A-K and L-N who signed up in the past two days (and the ones that weren’t in English or Latin). I’m going to bed.
Daily Archives: January 23, 2006
green stripes
I finished those green striped socks that I started a billion years ago.

I don’t count socks in the Only Two Active Projects Allowed at a Time rule because I almost always working on a pair. They are such nice, small projects to take in the car or to meetings or to Great Gran’s house. They don’t take a whole lot of concentration (unless they are paticularly elaborate or one is grafting) so I can talk/listen/observe and knit at the same time. I finished these yesterday at the Farm when I went over to hang out. Great Gran was saying that she just didn’t really have anything new to make (she is waiting on a pattern and yarn order) and wants to use up all her worsted yarn. I pulled up Knitty on the computer and showed her Coronet. She got started right away.

This morning she called to see if I wanted to run errands with her. When I hopped in the passenger seat, I found the finished band and some needles. She didn’t want my company – she just wanted me to pick up the stitches for the crown!
This last bit is for Becky who wants to see our favorite non-handknit socks. Here are mine:

The monkeys on the left are the runners up.
Last Christmas, both my Mom and Aunt Sandy gave me a pair of these! They are covered in Angus Dogs and I love them. They are also covered in cat hair, but hopefully you won’t notice that.