His name is William Henry (as in William Henry Harrison).

William Henry, you are so photogenic.
After the Fourth, he is going over to our vet’s office to see if he is cut out to be a clinic cat (they were really taken with his laid-back self). I am hoping that he does well there because then we can still see him all the time (with all the cats and our aged dog, we pretty much pay their light bill). I will be terribly sad to see him go, he is one of the sweetest kitties I’ve ever met. I’ve met a LOT of kitties.
Oh yeah, I finally finished the first half of the June socks. If you pry your eyes off William Henry and look at the rest of the picture, you can see it. I’ve got one half of July’s socks finished already (the purple LL), so I can finish both pairs up this month.
But look at this cool thing! It’s a case for your Sock-In-Progress!

You just stuff in the needles and put on the top!
Like magic, it secures the sock-in-progress for transport to a new knitting venue. No more falling off of the needles in your purse! Woot. I got one for Mom and Great Gran as well. You can have one if you write to jhd at atlanticbb dot net (I am sure y’all can figure that out). They come in different sizes and cost $20 each. And when you write ask if she has plans for monograms. I figure if enough people show an interest, I will eventually have a mongrammed Sock Sealer! Many thanks to the Yarn Harlot for posting about this handy thing on her blog!
Other fun stuff:
I realized last weekend that camp was three weeks away and I hadn’t planned ANY of the Arts and Crafts Activites. There has been very little knitting because of the Frenzy of Activity.
I’m in two more sock swaps! I only have to make one sock for one of them (the hurricane one) and the other pair (the Toasty one) isn’t due until the end of October. That has not stopped me from ordering sock yarn! I was forced to order several colors and variety of brands so that I can be sure to pick the ones my pals will like best. It’s such a shame the rest of it will be left over. I am sure I can find it a nice home. Unlike kitties, sock yarn is happy in a drawer or a closet or a trunk until you are ready to use it. And I want to know: why is there never any Vesper at kpixie when a girl is ready to break her fast?!
I gotta tell you: I am so happy that the SYAC is over and done! I earned three gold stars and didn’t buy sock yarn for three solid months. Those three months sucked. They might actually be responsible for my knitting enui. I have no proof of this, but I can certainly see a correlation. I love sock yarn! And I want MORE.