Out of the Gate

I’ve just finished my turnip greens, cornbread, black-eyed peas and a roast that made the house smell fantastic. I also finished M’s vest:

stretched out on the floor

Shhhh…it’s blocking.

All this and we slept late too!

kitties on the blanket

What time is it?

The only improvement I could of asked for is if Tech managed to pull a win out of the Gator Bowl today – but they played really well with some spectacular and well-received passes so I’m good. So far 2007 has been pretty good.

14 thoughts on “Out of the Gate

  1. Carole

    Wow. Those are a lot of accomplishments for today. All I managed to do was go to the grocery store. Then I put my PJs back on and sat on the couch with my knitting.

  2. Rachel

    Oh my gosh, that third little set of ears poking over the other cat makes me all squishy inside. PLEASE let there be reincarnation and PLEASE let me come back as a cat with a doting owner, a featherbed, and a sunny house.

    Happy new year, Emily! I hope 2007 lives up to its promise for you. Sounds like you’re off to a great start!

  3. Teyani

    the vest is wonderful. I bet that he looks so handsome in it. I think that vests are the way to go with guys – the sweaters I begin never seem to be completed – they’re just too unweildly (hmm, is that a word?)
    and I’m with Rachel – coming back as one of your cats would definately not be bad at all.

  4. Tonni

    The new vest is handsome… can’t wait to see the recipient model! Put me in there with Rachel, i’ll come back as one of your cats anytime 🙂

  5. Lynne

    oh, goodness…in case you are wondering if I still like to refer to myself as “your toastytoes pal”…you can call me Lynne now!

  6. Beck

    Hi Em,

    All your knitting looks great. So weird not to see you working on socks though! : )

    I love the color of the vest that you are making for yourself. Hmmm yummy color!

    And I didn’t know you “dont drive”… At all? Lucky you. It’s a real pain sometimes. I sometimes wish I lived where I could ride the train everywhere so I didn’t need to own a car at all.

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