I’m a Y’all


I made Saartje’s Booties. Michael made a website.

This probably explains a lot about the inattention that I have paid to my blog lately. It also explains how I managed to get a Ravelry account in July and then forgot to mention it to anyone (or really do much with it besides name myself “yarnmiracle”).

The blue is not indicative of anything beyond how much I like blue. Also, those shoes are much smaller in person.

70 thoughts on “I’m a Y’all

  1. Jessica

    Congratulations! The hints were so subtle, I had to click the links to figure it out! I hope you’re enjoying your pregnancy so far.

  2. kt


    Well done, you two! Happyhappyhappy.

    Enjoy. It’s a wunnerful time.

    Best of karma/vibes/love heading your way.

  3. Lene Clausen

    Oh Em!!

    I so hope it will be allright this time!! Crossing my fingers, and those of every born (and unborn) member of my household, be they human or not. Hold on, little baby! The world wants you and needs you 🙂

  4. Emily

    That’s great! Awesome news!
    Love the booties too! I just made a pair for my friend and I kept holding them up saying”Look at the little boots!”

  5. Kate/Massachusetts

    Congratulations to both of you! I love your booties! They came out so well! Have you seen these: http://susaninstitches.blogspot.com/2007/10/bluebell-bootees.html

    I don’t think I had a single set of booties for any of my babies…it was socks only! I guess at that time booties were considered “fussy” and had gone out of vogue. Now I wish I’d made lots of different ones. They are so cute to hang on the Christmas tree when no longer in use!

  6. kathy b

    Oh EMILY

    I have been so hoping. How wonderful. I hope you are feeling well, now. The booties are so lovely. Michaels site is wonderful. Im thrilled for you. Really, I am.

  7. Katie

    I have been waiting for this, just this week I was wondering if something was up with you! I must have some kind of weird sensor for pregnant people. Sending best wishes and good feelings and joy your way.

    The booties are cute, but Baby Ivey will be cuter. =0)

  8. amanda

    awesome news! i’m so happy for you guys…i’m just sitting here like a big ole sap smiling at this great news and i can’t even seem to put together my thoughts. so yay!

  9. MarciaLouise

    Wishing you the very best, and that your dreams come true. Love and Prayers that all goes wonderfully these last long months. Now that is a real present! Hugs and more Hugs M.

  10. Beth

    Congratulations!!!! I am thrilled for you. Parenting is certainly an adventure, but it’s a blast. I’ll keep you all in my prayers.

  11. lisa

    Yeah congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Enjoy every second of being pregnant, birth, the first few days and everything after that. I wish I did!!!

  12. KT

    Oh How I Suspected!!! Congratulations. What a lucky child to be yours & Michael’s. Having seen first hand how amazing you are with children, I can say for certain, what a lucky little person indeed. Great Gran must be over the moon! Much love to y’all. And Angus wears his Bama shirt just about every other day. When it gives up the ghost, which should be next Thursday, I will have to make a pillow out of it. I am pretty sure it is his fave shirt of all time. Look! It is the Washington Monument!

  13. Kim

    I loved your announcement! Congratulations! You keep a secret for a long time – I couldn’t wait to spill the beans!

  14. Camilla

    Are those two left booties? Cute, and loads of people have ‘two left feet’… I think I’ve even danced with a few. That pattern has been hugely popular… evidently somebody else has been recently, too. Much knitterly happiness to y’all. Cami

  15. Melissa

    Congratulations!! I am just getting back to blogging and I’m almost 7 months!! It’s amazing how these little ones zap your energy!
    I’m so excited for you. If you want to moan, complain, or share the joys of being huge and pregnant, I’m here for you!!

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