He’s giving lots of thought to nesting in your eves.
You are probably asking yourself, “Which part of that picture is in focus?” The answer is: I can’t tell either.
I’ll take another one tomorrow.
If I’m not feeling too lazy.
He’s giving lots of thought to nesting in your eves.
You are probably asking yourself, “Which part of that picture is in focus?” The answer is: I can’t tell either.
I’ll take another one tomorrow.
If I’m not feeling too lazy.
He’s MINE! The mascot as my daughter’s college is an owl and I have to have him to send to her in her next care package!
He’s adorable!
Love your owl!!!
Owl of us say YaHoot when a new beastie comes up! (sorry, can’t help it with the Owl Puns.)
TOO CUTE!!! Reminds me of Bill in “Owl Babies”. I love that story.
TOO CUTE!!! Reminds me of Bill in “Owl Babies”. I love that story. Did Ellie give her hug of approval….how could she resist!
What a little cutie!