First through Third have finished the race! Fourth is waiting in my mailbox*!

Lady Bird is curious…
How has the week been for the other seven teams? Tell her in the comments. I will read them to her.
Because cats can’t read.
*We left this morning for the beach. The last time I looked at the tracking information there wasn’t any. The box was in Texas on Monday. TEXAS. I was sure it wouldn’t be here until tomorrow! How a box can take three days to get here from an hour away AND take three days to get here from four states away is really just beyond me. ARGH! I’ll tell you all about it when we get home tomorrow.
yes, my question, too..3 days??? I’m thinking post office conspiracy! lol before anyone takes me seriously.
The Post Office is a capricious beastie, to be sure! (love that little tabby M on Ladybird, perfect for skritching).
If you can figure out what goes on with the Post Office you are in the wrong line of work. They need someone like you who can make some sense of the mess. It just took from last Thursday until today for a padded envelop. Not all that large to reach me from a distance I can drive easily in an hour and forty five minutes. You just never know…..
CONGRATULATIONS to the first three teams to cross the finish line into Emily’s mailbox. Way to go!!!! It sounds like you folks all worked together as a team to make it happen. Isn’t this FUN??????? I think it is very cool to imagine these boxes traveling all over the country and we are all knitting the same wonderful pattern. THANK YOU, EMILY!!! Not sure where our team will fall into the finish as right now know one seems to know where our box is. Guess only the postal service knows.