We only get biscuits and hash rounds at Chic-fil-a these days, but Christmas means they’ve got those peppermint milkshakes on the menu. Ellie calls them “pink treat.” mmmm I love peppermint.
‘Candy Cane’ by yarnmiracle
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Oh man do I ever miss Chic-fil-a! We’re too far North! There is so much goodness in that treasury! Lots of tempting treats!
I’ve never had one of those milkshakes. I’ve always been worried that it would be *too* much peppermint.
A visual treat, with “virtually” no calories or fat! Gotta love it.
If you love peppermint, I highly recommend this Chocolate and Peppermint tart for dessert one night: http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Dark-Chocolate-and-Peppermint-Whipped-Cream-Tart-236763
It’s delicious!
I found this on a blog at the same time as I saw your entry – http://sugarpinch.blogspot.com/2009/12/peppermint-meringue-cookies.html
In a couple of weeks, the Hershey’s Kisses white chocolate with peppermint shards come out. I am so very glad they’re only around at this time of year, I would have great difficulty not eating bags and Bags and BAGS of them, t’were not.