Anybody Interested?

We went to Mary Ester this past weekend and somehow I didn’t take a single picture. But I did finish up the pattern I’ve been working with (and all the pieces for newly listed Snow Cone Tabby).


Anybody want to test knit a sheep?

If there are a couple of you who intend to make a sheep anyway, and wouldn’t mind looking over the pattern while you do it, I would really appreciate it! The idea behind the sheep is for knitters to pick a fun an unique yarn for her wooly parts so that each sheep is one of a kind. I used ‘Fusion’ (held together with some Rowan Pure Life) for the example because it made such a nice yarn idea sampler. If you’ve got a bit of handspun or something that you don’t know what to do with, this might be a good project for it. You only need…

Wait. I haven’t done the math for the yarn amounts yet. I’ll do that right now.


**Thank you Volunteers! I still haven’t done the math.**

8 thoughts on “Anybody Interested?

  1. Ruth

    Sheep is awesome. I’d love to test knit, but don’t think I have anything suitable in the stash and live an airplane ride away from a yarn store…

  2. Susanna

    I’m late to the party. Sheep are my favorite… if you need another tester, let me know. If not, I will just have to wait till it is published!

  3. colleen

    I’m in if you need another tester!!! the elephant was and I think she needs a friend

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