Ellie is off at Girl Scout Camp this week with her BFF. Just for the days – neither one of us is ready for overnight camp. It’s good to have something to look forward to anyway.

On the front porch of the Dining Hall.

Tuesday was Twin Day.
Up until Wednesday they had a great time. Wednesday: “Boy Scouts came and all they did was talk all day it was super boring.” I said to be sure to put it in her evaluation. (They didn’t just talk all day, there was a ‘nature walk’ with disposable cameras to record stuff.)
These long long days with both hands free has finally given me the time to finish the sheep.

Just need to decide on the ear color.
I’ve never run out of yarn on a project like this before. It makes me feel like I don’t know what I’m doing. I understand running out of chenille (it knits so much bigger than the listed gauge) but I should not be out of that dark grey. If my customer wants dark ears, I have to order more. The last scrap is in that too small example left ear.
I also mopped the whole house.
It’s been an eventful week.
So cute! The “twin” girls and the sheep! Will you be publishing or sharing the pattern?
Love this guy and the dark ears are a must! I’ve missed you and think of you every time I am able to get fresh eggs!
I’m going to be the oddball. I like the sheep with one white and one grey ear. (:
I went to girl scout camp (just during the days) when I was younger. All I remember were those evil rope walks (the ones where you hold two on the sides and walk across one on the bottom?) and sneaking away from my group to hang out with my mother (she taught there) at the craft area. And ticks. I remember the ticks. *shudder*
It’s adorable! I like it more with the white ears. Yeah my sheep was also a big fattie. My family laughed so hard and passed her around to marvel at her huge behind and belly. I wouldn’t have her any other way. Lol.
@eidolons I’m with you, actually (I loved those mismatched ears! ;o) Wednesday notwithstanding, it sounds like the girls are having a great time at camp.
Yeah Girl Scout camp!!! Lots of memories there…
The sheep looks awesome as is… Good to know the chenille is not prone to worming, I’ve sworn off chenille because of that!