Best. Week. Ever.
We explored the five senses, talked about territory, started piano lessons,

had cats in the classroom,
played a bunch of games, studied China,

started a mask (expect a tutorial),
reviewed word families, sang songs, knit, recited verses,

played word games – the whiteboard was an excellent decision by the way,
read books, composed sentences, had a friend over after school, went to Play Group at the park on Friday, and

worked in two of the Main Lesson Books.
That’s not even everything. In case anybody is sitting around wondering if Oak Meadow’s curriculum actually has enough to keep the student busy: we could have easily made all of the activities in Lesson 1 last for a week and a half. I sorted out our weekly schedule for Lesson 2 and I feel like the same thing is true. Ellie and I do tend to get really involved in most everything we do, but I have a hard time imagining anyone just blowing through these activities, stories and projects.
In spite of our longer-than-anticipated school days last week, I managed to make all of the Mermaid but one arm and her hair, kept up with the house, fixed all the meals but two*, and read to myself for fun. Oh wait. All the meals but three. I forgot about the donuts on Monday morning. I will also say (lest you think that there is too much Donna Reed over here) that I wrecked one dinner with my illiteracy and had to make Emergency Substitute Dinner from the freezer. I like to cook, but I am not always good at it.
MY POINT IS: It was a full week but not hectic or rushed. It was a full week with a relaxed pace.
I’ve got to start planning for Girl Scouts this week, so we’ll see if I feel as relaxed at the end of Lesson 2.