Daily Archives: November 27, 2023

Years in the Making

Haha look how far that one heel sticks out – it’ll be better after washing.

When we were packing up, I came across a couple different project bags with half-finished projects inside. Years-Ago-Me was super thoughtful and left pattern notes with the unfinished projects so Future-Me would be able to finish. Which probably has some deep, personal lesson about hope or organization or forward thinking or something.

Anyway, I finished these these for Michael yesterday. I think this yarn was part of a swap with a knitter in Germany. It’s worsted, washable wool, and I used my super tragic Worsted Weight Basic Socks pattern with a broken rib for the leg and instep. I wrote that pattern so long ago (decades) that I’ve lost the original and have no way to edit it to fix the mistakes. If you decide to use it: the gauge is wrong, the heel turn is wrong, but everything else is fiiiiiiiine!