Sunday is for Treasuries: Mittens

So I’m a little obsessed lately.

‘Mitten Smitten’ by yarnmiracle

















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5 thoughts on “Sunday is for Treasuries: Mittens

  1. kerry

    Emily, imagine my surprise when your name popped up on a pattern a friend faved on Ravelry. I found my way over here and am just amazed at your knitting and your lovely family. Even 25 years down the line we still have things in common. I’m no designer, but I have my wool and needles right next to my computer and camera and I blog about my young family too. Hope all is well with you. So glad to have found you again.
    Your old friend from Atlanta (now Minnesota),

  2. Ruth

    Ah…loverly! I’m already “Smitten” but now, even more so. Was trying to find patterns (that made sense) for children’s mittens last night, and couldn’t help concluding that some patterns were confusing DK for Wworsted weight. Hmph! The search continues.

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