How many more days ’til November?

Here are some knit bloggers on the Texas Gulf Coast. Just to keep y’all informed.
- One Stitch Short
- Fruitcakes Here a-Knititn’
- Elvis Knits (Elvis is the cat)
- Off the Kuff
- Texas is sooo big… (How big is it?) Texas is so big that the knitters have their own blog ring!
- If you are in the Houston-Galveston area and you are planning to ride it out, why not experiment with a little citizen journalism?
As for me, I’m waiting to see how quickly this thing turns north (and how big it gets) to decide if I need to bring in the hanging plants. I’ve also been wishing (as usual) for a down-grade. To pass the time, I’ve been working on M’s cardigan. The pattern is titled “Men’s V-Neck Cardigan” and is by Mari. You can take a peek at the promised results here. As I was looking for the v-neck, I had to scroll through a whole bunch of intriguing patterns!
I ordered Great Gran some yarn which I thought was the right yarn but it turns out I was wrong. She shouldn’t have thrown away the yarn bands. Knowing that the yarn came in a doughnut shape with a pale band is just not enough to go on! I did get the brand right (Rowan). I’ll be calling in the morning to see if the nice folks at Yarn Market can figure out where I went wrong.
I’m doing the same thing Emily. Watching and waiting. I can’t sleep.
You okay down there? Just thought Rita may have knocked on your door and wanted to make sure you were doing okay.