Multiply this by six. Thanks for sharing, Shelly.
Monthly Archives: October 2007
should be in the sidebar
This is really the type of thing that should be in my sidebar, but I thought the Greater Knitting Community needed to be aware of the situation:
This year’s USPS holiday stamps are knitted!
OK they aren’t really knitted, because adhesive would be a challenge and they would probably get stuck in the sorters, but they are the Illusion of Knit. I am buying a large supply today when I go to mail Marisol’s Special Swap Package (the yarn finally arrived and it turns out I need a bigger box).
candy corn
heeheehee I don’t think Betty would be as cooperative.
knit monkeys!!1!
How have I not managed to find her blog until now?! My primate soulmate.
for reals?
A knitting drummer. You can’t make this stuff up.
who’s on first
A Who’s on First for the modern age.
dancin machine
Dancing birdie! Watch all the way to the end for the bows.
Winning Christmas
In spite of the busy weekend:

A point for me!
It’s one thing to read 22″ in the pattern description, it’s quite another to see a 22″ stocking in real life. I could fit a cat in there if they were more cooperative. The only change I made was to the toe shaping, I wanted it to look like a sock toe.
I haven’t looked at my email since I got home (I will check it real quick now for anything Urgent), but I’ve got to finish my last sock pattern for RubySapphire. I am about halfway through the second sock and Tivo is full of all the shows we missed last week, so it shouldn’t take too long.
Chuck and Pushing Daisies are my two favorite new shows this season. Pushing Daisies is already on my list of Greatest TV Shows of All Time – not just because Emerson is a Knitter.
The current score: Emily – 4 Christmas – 2 (I get a point for the stocking, Christmas gets a point for the chocolate-filled advent calendars in World Market, I get another point because I have already eaten up to Day 12)
Lazy Boy
Once again we are not at home. We are up in Atlanta through the weekend and it is actually almost cold here! I brought the camera, but not the camera cable (of course), so you will have to make do with camera phone pictures to illustrate all the posts I make from here. No pictures right now, I am in my Dad’s recliner and I am not getting out just to find my phone.
Luckily, Dorothy is at home and can take her own pictures – Team Canada’s box has arrived at it’s final destination! I have buttons and certificates for all of our teammates up North when I get home.
That’s all for now, the laptop is “running on reserve battery power” and I want to post this before the Shut Down! Cross your fingers that I get it through in time!