Room to grow! Three Cheers!
Most baby clothing designers seem to think that babies are short and fat. Mine isn’t. As a result, it was kind of tricky to decide what size to make. I finally elected to make the three month size with what basically amounts to the 6 month length. Despite frequent panic attacks about whether or not it would fit by the time the thing was finished, it turns out that I was spot on and she will get a fair amount of wear out of this. Yay!

Sans sleeves.

Cables everywhere! I love cables.

The shoulder buttons are so sweet. And moist.
The moral of this story is: the Cable and Lace All-in-One from Baby Knits (Lois Daykin) is super cute but not in any way a quick baby knit. I would recommend it as a pre-baby knit rather than a post baby knit – unless you have a good grasp of how quickly and in what direction your baby is growing. Or don’t plan to make it for your personal baby.
So what’s next? Since we are in what is know as the Summer around these parts, there won’t be any garment knitting until September (socks don’t count). I’ve got several small projects, ConterPain Squares, that tree skirt and Dish Rag Tag: the Sequel to keep me busy. I have given a lot of thought to ways to improve the Race and make it even more fun, more competitive and more inclusive than last year. Ways that don’t involve me (or any one else) knitting hundreds of starter dish rags. Excited? Stay tuned!
Not enough Ellie? There are more pictures from this modeling session on flickr.
Both Ellie and the romper are absolutely adorable. Three cheers for all of you!!!!
So precious. Ellie is a beauty. And that romper? When she’s outgrown it, it’s suitable for framing!
That looks beautiful on her! Of course, I think you could put her in a paper sack and she’d still look precious. 🙂
It’s just perfect! And that model! What a cutie! Leaving the sleeves off was a good idea. It’s going to be hot here for a while to come!
Truly she is the best dressed baby on the block! And such a lovely model too.
One day she will give that romper to her little girl….. but we don’t need to rush that:D
The romper is so sweet! And Ellie’s sweeter still! Thanks for the links to cabalicious baby – lovely lovely photos!
Ellie’s sleeveless romper is perfect! I bet it wasn’t a fast knit though. Worth the effort though.
Somebody beat me to saying: Adorable, both Ellie and romper! And she’ll get a lot of wear out of that lovely knitting: I know your weather is nothing like ours up north, but if it gets cool while the length is still OK, you can always put a long sleeved shirt and leggings or tights under it. After all that knitting, must get the maximum wear!
Here’s something I’ve done, or perhaps you’ve heard or seen this already: for rather special outfits from the first year, especially the first six months, after they’ve outgrown them: find a big teddy bear that’s about baby size, then put the special outfit on the teddy and put it up on a shelf for display. Looks sweet and reminds you, and your little one as she gets older, of when she was small enough to wear it. Nicer than putting it away in a box in the attic or wherever, I think! I did this with my daughter’s 3-month-old Christmas dress, and at 12, that bear is still on her shelf.
P.S. I can’t believe you baby burrito’d the cat….
; )
Aww, it was pretty before, but now on little Ellie, it’s adorable. She looks so sweet in it. 🙂
I think that Ellie is the princess of cuteness… and the romper’s pretty wonderful too 🙂
thanks for the out takes – can’t get enough of that pretty little girl.
It looks wonderful on her!
Absolutely lovely. An heirloom, for sure, too.
The romper is so very pretty! Beautiful knitting! Ellie has the modeling thing down pat too!
I’m dizzy from the cuteness! What a cute little knit!
My goodness, if that isn’t the CUTEST ROMPER EVER! Really, it deserves all caps. The piecrust edging is genius and so baby-girlish. And I’m so glad she can wear it for a while.
And I laughed at the “moist” buttons. But isn’t everything that comes within 5 inches of a baby moist, eventually?
So. Frickin. CUTE! You did a great job knitting! Monsterette was one of those long and thin babies, too. I still have a hard time finding clothes to fit her right!
Ellie is the cutest darn thing!! We need to get together and meet at the Wharf at the Explorium one day.
I’m excited for Dish Rag tag! I hope that we aren’t moving around the time it starts!
Ellie is so cute! The romper is stunning!! I’m so impressed you got it finished with a baby around.
How absolutely perfect and SOOO cute….oh and the romper is fantastic too!!! LOL!!!
Ellie looks adorable in her new jumper!!
Simply Adorable! Great job Mom!
The romper is awesome! I love how it looks on your little one. And speaking of the baby, well, she’s just precious!
So cute! After looking at these pictures, my older daughter (age 3) called my younger daughter “Ellie” all day. 🙂
How delicious!…like raspberry souffle’, that romper with Ellie within. Not very easy to resist just wanting to “eat-her-up” with love and hugs. So very fortunate that you get to do just that! How devine!!!!
I am proud of you for wanting to get that Christmas tree skirt finished…..BUT, DISHRAG TAG?….now that is commitment. You are SO BRAVE!
Love the baby outfit!
And, you know what else I love? Dish Rag Tag! 🙂
Oh Ellie model extraordinare. What a mommy you have to knit such a marvel.
Dishrag tag #2??? Fun fun fun
What a beautiful little model…love the romper…and the babe is precious 🙂
Can hardly wait for dishrag tag #2!!!
Let me know if I can help in any way.
Fabulous!!! She’s a superstar!!!! Great job knitting and I like it better sleeveless, definitely.
adorable, precious, sweet, beautiful, cute, darling! And now let me tell you what I think about the romper!
Oh, that was me, Emily! And the romper? Just perfect!