Monthly Archives: December 2023

Another Hat

about three inches of green 1x1 ribbing on a circular needle. my book is in the background. my coffee cup (half full) is in the forground.

This one is for Eleanor. She wanted black, but I said I couldn’t do it because knitting with black is no fun. Dark green is the compromise (Knitpicks Swish DK* in Forest Heather) to make a Ryegate Hat (which I almost made for myself so yay I will make both). It should get more exciting when I get past the band.

*I am nothing if not brand loyal.

Something Else New

A white mug with a sad but colorful band of crochet tied around it as a cozy.


The new Girl Scout troop is going to work on the fiber arts badge in January. I had to learn so I can teach. I opted for crochet because it requires fewer tools and has less of a learning curve before you can actually make something recognizable. I only know three stitches (chain, slip stitch, single crochet) and have written my first pattern (for the mug cozy). If we are good at crochet, we will make mug cozys! If we are bad at crochet, we will make bracelets!

We are also going to kool-aid dye some wool to make tassels for book marks. We’ve got to have hot water for that, and hot water leads to bring-your-own-mug for tea, and mug for tea leads to make a mug cozy.

The hardest part of crochet is not holding the yarn in my right hand and wrapping. I want to crochet like I knit.


I am sorry that you get to see the awkward place where I joined the stitches.

Gro Hat in leftover KnitPicks Twill (Sea Salt Heather). I read the comments and added another pattern repeat to make it larger. I am not 100% sure that I really needed to do that, but the hat fits and I have no complaints. I especially like how the decreases grow out of the leafy cables and come together on the crown.

Blocked on the radiator!