I had a really fun Christmas this year. And I got lots of great stuff including some new yarn!

To see more, visit Koenig Farm.
There is just enough of it to make this!
As a little tip to everyone, when you drive between locations late in the day on Christmas Eve, don’t expect anything to be open. Gas station pizza is what we had for dinner. Blech-o. It was worth it to be at the Farm Christmas morning. The other good news is that since I am using my Denise Interchangeables to make the fluffy sweater, I was able to finish the other sleeve in the car:

I’ve been so busy!
Since everyone (Great Gran, my mom, my cousins across the street) is out of town for a week or so skiing in Colorado, M and I have been spending a lot of time at the new house unpacking stuff. Which is like Christmas all over again because I haven’t seen my things in so long I have forgotten what we own! In addition, we got Mario-Kart DoubleDash for Christmas and have been playing WAY too much of that! All that to say that I haven’t been knitting on my sweater all that much this week. I am sure that all this will change tomorrow night with the staying up ’til midnight thing. There will probably be sweater progress to report soon.
The sample card I ordered from Oze Yarn came in the mail today – boy is it yummy stuff.

I will definitly be ordering from them in the near future. The Heirloom Cotton looks particularly lush and the Heirloom Alpaca wants to become a vest for M. I can tell. It whispered to me. Oze Yarn is in Australia, so as a bonus gift, I received this very cool stamp.