I finished all of my ornaments today – I’d show you a picture but I don’t know which family members are regular readers and I don’t want to spoil the surprise! As a reward for all of my hard work I knit a little.

I am at about eight inches; it moves along pretty quickly. You really can’t tell that it’s coming along because there hasn’t been a whole lot of time to knit lately – what with all the Christmas Procrastination going on. I haven’t had time to really read all the blogs I usually do much less post to my own. Blah. But Laurin over at Supurlfluous has started a Tyrolean Cardigan knit-a-long. I was sad that I had already made one and couldn’t participate, so she has changed it to a Vintage Knits-a-long so I can be part of it. My very first knit-a-long! I am quite excited.
Oh, as a tip if anyone decides to make the Fluffy Sweater, it is easier to make the little cables in the ribs if you slip both stitches off knitwise together onto the right needle, slip them back onto the left needle purlwise and then knit them. You also don’t end up with quite such a long side to your purls. Trust me, I tried this multiple ways and have the wormy cast-on rows to prove it (mohair only frogs so far).
PS I got Michael all dressed in his grey vest and out into the yard this morning to take his picture, only to find that the battery in the camera was dead. He was not a happy guy. We are going to try again tomorrow.