We are in Atlanta visiting Michael’s mom for the first bit of Christmas. After his family’s Christmas on the 24th, we’ll be driving back home to Bay Minette to celebrate with my family on the 25th. We actually got here last night and have been able to spend all day hanging out and baking. Jennifer (M’s sister who is 14) and I made Brownie Disasters. This is actually a very easy recipe:
- Make brownie mix according to instructions on the box.
- Spread the bottoms of greased muffin tins with half the batter.
- Add a layer of melted caramel to the muffin tins and cover with the rest of the batter.
- Bake until brownies are cemented into the muffin tins.
- Attempt to pry brownies out of muffin holes via cleaver (Jennifer’s idea), nearly stabbing Emily through the heart when knife slips.
- Soak muffin tins until Michael’s Mom gets home and decides that there is no hope and throws them in the garbage with the stand mixer that almost caught on fire earlier that day.
After this little episode, Jennifer retired to her room and I to the couch to knit.

That’s Rosie sitting next to me on the couch. On the other side is a very, very large Snoopy PEZ dispenser. It plays music and was a gift from M’s Mom.
I finished the first sleeve and after taking a scientific poll of which piece to knit next, started on the other sleeve. The cuff looks better on the new sleeve, but not enough better to frog the other one and start over. It is all going to end up so fuzzy when I am finished that no one will notice anyway.
I am really enjoying the kid soft! It doesn’t appear to be shedding everywhere which is quite a relief and it is so soft and nice that it is pleasant to work with. I may have to pony-up the money for more Rowan yarns if they are all this nice to work with.