Things every knitter needs to know about copyright. The appendix about knitware design is especially informative. And then, in case you have written any of your own patterns: Creative Commons.
Monthly Archives: December 2003
peppermint joy

Merry Christmas!
I knew south Alabama grocery stores wouldn’t let me down! We had to stop at the house on the way back out to the Farm so that I could find a spoon in all of our unpacked boxes and eat some in the car. Today, I love Christmas. We also helped Great Gran put her tree up. You’ll notice that the lights and decorations stop before they make it to the top. This is because the tree is 9 feet tall and Great Gran and I are not.
The grey vest front is progressing. A little slowly, I admit. I am reading a new library book and I knit more slowly when I am reading at the same time.
On the way to Atlanta for Thanksgiving, we stopped in Montgomery at East Chase like we always do. This year (since the mall was finished) they had their Christmas decorations up. If you look closely, you can see me and the dog.
Sock Form
Here’s a nifty little treat for sock knitters – instant sock patterns! Just add water.
knit your bit
The Red Cross has made some of its WWII knitting patterns available for download. I acquired a bunch of these fragile leaflets in a stack of “vintage” knitting patterns that belonged to my great-grandmother. She’s written notes in the margins to help herself along. Unfortunately, Gran-mother doesn’t mention anything about what the “Red Cross needle gauge for socks” is. Either way, they are fun to look at.
Now I am off to start the front of the gray vest.
soldier hat
Well. I knit the hat all the way to Atlanta, frogged it because it was too big, and knitted it all the way back to Bay Minette. Ta-dah! It’s done.

Do I look like a soldier?*
So off in the mail to Iraq tomorrow. I hear it gets chilly at night.
The new Knitter’s came in the mail today. I don’t know what their deal is lately, but there hasn’t been a thing in that magazine for three issues that I would seriously consider making. It’s not because the patterns are too trendy, risque, old-fashioned or aren’t challenging … everything in the magazine is just so freakishly ugly. Just hideous. Surely I’m not the only subscriber who feels this way? I am more intrigued by the ads than any thing else (the ads, and Perri Klass). I like interesting articles as much as the next guy, but I want something to keep my hands busy. I don’t think I am renewing my subscription. The Books-A-Million in Daphne carries Knitter’s. I will just flip through a copy too see if there is something worthwhile before I buy.
*Do you like how I edited out all of the clutter in our attic using the magic of Photoshop?
PS I flipped through the magazine again. And I retract my statement about nothing in it that I would consider making. The felted bag with the spirals on page 88 is mildly interesting.