Great Gran and I knit (she crocheted – she is putting the ruffles on four different baby blankets) during I Dream of Jeannie (watch out, TVLand’s website plays music) and hours of CNN this morning (we think Bill Hemmer is cute). I am past the decreases on the Fluffy Sweater and headed for the armholes.

The red dots on the bag are monkey faces. I love monkeys.
The straight stockinette makes for good TV-knitting, but I think my brain is ready for a challenge. You know the one I mean. Not swatching is killing me. But with discipline (and a few more Jeannies), I can start any day now.
In other news, here’s Betty. She is all set up in the sun parlor with plants and lots of boxes to hide in. Angus keeps saying, “You know there’s a CAT in there, right?” So it’s a little noisy.