So it’s raining. Again (or maybe still, it’s hard to say). We’re back in Alabama and I have been knitting today. What else are you going to do in the rain? Not that you hear me complaining…

When cousins…are two of a kind!
You’re not seeing double, I really have finished both sleeves! The whole time I was knitting this afternoon I was thinking: “You know I really should be working on my Valentines. I should have mailed those yesterday. Emily, have some self-control and go and make your Mom a Valentine.” Then I remembered that my mom wasn’t going to be home this weekend so I could keep working on my sleeve. If the cards don’t get there until Tuesday, at least my arms will be warm. Darling Sister, if you’re keeping up, the mailman misplaced your Valentine. I made your’s First Thing and mailed it Last Friday in Plenty of Time no Procrastinating – I swear!
While we were in Atlanta (Oh oh! I saw a Snow Flurry while we were there!), we had a break in our meeting* and several of us wandered around Decatur looking in shops. One of them was billed as a “knitting boutique.” This excited me because I had lost my cable needle the night before (which meant I was using a borrowed one at the meeting) and I wanted to procure a new one. HAH. Whoever named this store was a Great Big Liar. If a store only carries chunky, wooden, straight needles in three sizes, I hesitate to call it a knitting anything. But if the definition of “knitting boutique” is a store with a dozen kinds of high-priced novelty yarns, and loads of very trendy (but not knitted) clothes, then this was it. I mean, fuzzy yarn of Unidentified Content and Origin that you only have one ball of for $25 a pop? Give me a break. I did fondle some exorbitant angora, so that was OK.
Since we’ve gotten home, I have mailed the cable needle that I borrowed at the meeting back to it’s owner (sorry, Allie!), I have lost the other cable needle that I was using that is really too small, and I am now using this little loopy metal thing that I found in my bag. I’m not sure where it came from but it seems to work OK. To get a new needle I will either have to treck an hour to Fairhope on a weekday to visit the little half knitting/half needlepoint store to get a new one or order one on the internet with insane shipping. Bah. I hope I don’t lose the little loopy thing.
*Wait a second. I forgot to tell you why we were in Atlanta. M had some business stuff on Wednesday and Thursday and then we both had a planning meeting for a camp retreat type thing we are the Youth Directors for. So I spent Thursday and Friday with my mom (and my sister) making stuff for the retreat type thing that my mom is the lay director for and then all day Saturday was spent in Decatur planning for the summer. I knit during the whole thing. And so did a lot of the other folks. So it wasn’t bad for a meeting.