Here is some purple verbena from the yard for your enjoyment.
Daily Archives: April 12, 2004
back finished
Last night, with some help from a cup of Golden Monkey tea that Mark left behind, I stayed up until 11:30 and finished the back!

Don’t laugh – anything past 9pm is late for me!
I’ve only done one row on the front, but I am sure that I can make some pretty good progress tonight.
I have a Confession to make. I wasn’t going to buy any more yarn for a while. Especially yarn that wasn’t for spring things. But there is this sale at Webs…I wasn’t even going to go over and look because the temptation would just be too great. Then I thought, “Well, they probably don’t have anything I want anyway so it wouldn’t hurt to window shop.”
So I took a peek.
It turned out that two yarns I have been really lusting to try but had written off as Too Expensive were both Very Reduced. That’s right, I expect the Yarn Fairy any day with Jazz for a vest for M and Gatsby for a sweater for me. I am feeling very ashamed about my lack of control. But I just keep reminding myself that sales like these don’t happen very often and you just have to jump on them when they do. Yeah. That’s the ticket.