Haiti’s pretty shell stuff is finished (which was fun – I love lacy stitches) and I am now involved in the miles of mind-numbing stockinette.

I’ve never made a sweater all in one piece, it feels like it is moving much more quickly than other projects. Maybe it’s knowing that there isn’t another section after this one. Maybe it’s because it’s a tank and those tend to go fast fast. Maybe it’s the cute, pink circular needle. Or the sack of Cream Savers that I have consumed to keep me interested in knitting around and around and around.
Or it could be the yarn iteslf. Now, splitty is not usually a quality I look for in a yarn. In fact I have sworn to never knit with Wildflower again because it’s so Disfunctional that way. But somehow, the other outstanding qualities of this stuff makes watching for splits worth it. Svale is soft and knits up with a fabulous drape that has a little shimmer to it. I am not saying it’s easy staying alert for offenders, I’m just saying the overall effect of the yarn may be worth it to you.
In other news. This is what Angus has been up to lately.

Mr. Pitiful
Can you see his red nose? Some of that is allergy and some is from burying chewies in his bed to hide them from the cat. I try to tell him that Betty doesn’t want his chewies, but the mucus has made him a little paranoid. Also, he is not sleeping very well. I know this because he stands by the side of my bed and pants on me until I wake up and pet him. We have dosed him with Benadryl so he should be sound alseep and breathing easier in about 20 minutes.
PS Can you keep a secret? Here is a split that I am not going back to fix. I noticed it way too late and you can’t see it from the front. I’m just going to pretend that it is my humility block.
I am glad that other people leave humilty blocks in thier work. Thanks!
Angus is a very handsome dog.Tell him I hope he feels better soon!!
Can’t wait to see the sweater when it’s done
Oh, Mr. Pitiful is handsome indeed! Your Haiti is beautiful.
love the lacy shells! and don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about the split. I always have about ten of those. I’m really, really lazy.
Angus is a schmoo!