I’m sorry, I have to tell you about yesterday. I have titled this entry:
Why Emily Never Gets Any Knitting Done
The guys are here with the trackhoe* and bulldozer to clean up the hurricane debris we couldn’t get on our own. I know what you’re thinking: “Wasn’t Ivan a long long time ago?” Yeah, it was. Sometimes you just have to be patient. And grit your teeth. And seeth. And try to pretend that you don’t really see the massive up-rooted tree stumps and mega limbs and the trees that the loggers didn’t take. Yesterday, not only did the trackhoe drivers crush all the black-eyed susans that we spent hours sowing last fall, but they also took out the phone line (which took out the DSL) AND ran over the waterline up at the street. The phone line is temporarily repaired (with duct tape I think) and is coiled up on the ground. The actual water meter was split when they ran over it (the guy said he had never seen that happen before). It split on our side of the meter (of course) and just before the place where the consumer can turn the water off. Many bathtubs full of water gurgled into the yard before the guy with the T-shaped thingy came to turn it off on his side.
It took me three hours to get through my email (camp junk) and then another three when I finally started on my list from last weekend.
And every now and then I had to stop and take pictures of the animals doing darling things:

We tried to watch a movie last night (I was knitting) and the phone rang no less than 6 times. All for me. I managed to do two rows on Honey and 6 on the white tank that I started in the airport.
So that’s why I can’t get any knitting done lately. And now I get to go and spend three hours with my email.
I did sell the Calmer, so I’ve got that going for me. It’s going to Traci the Knitting Mom with the blog. I might have ordered another wrong color. “Drift” is apparently not as off-white as the web sites would lead you to believe.
*I googled for “trackhoe” and would you believe that they’re for sale on ebay?
Update: I just got this from the Yarnzilla Lady. I feel much better:
Hi, Emily!
Rowan Calmer in color 460 Drift *is* off-white; I think your friend might be
thinking of shade 471 in Calmer, which is blindingly white. Your yarn is on
the way — thanks so very much for your order!
Best Regards,
So don’t worry, Traci, I think everything will be fine! But keeping your fingers crossed never hurt anybody!