I managed to finish Harry’s Scarf in the Nick of Time. I put the fringe on it Thursday morning.

I tagged everything with the fiber content and washing instructions – I had a vision of a mom pulling a sodden, shrunken mass out of the washing machine. And we carried it off to the library. The Wine and Cheese thing went well, I washed about a million glasses (that was my job) and learned that I Really Don’t Like Blue Cheese. I had always suspected that was the case, but it has now been confirmed by experts. The last time Michael looked at the bid sheets, Harry’s Scarf was at $40. This was after I started washing glasses but before the end of the shindig and we didn’t get to see them again. We never discovered the fate of the Fund Raiser Scarf, but it went home with someone who wasn’t us.
But the best part of the evening is that I got to wear Remembering Honey! I hope someone took a picture…
Great Gran also finished up the ENORMOUS amount of knitting that she was doing for her Church Bazaar. We took Baby hats, baby blankets, baby shoes, a little sweater, two short capes and one regular-sized afghan to the church yesterday morning. The sale is today; I am getting M up in a minute because I saw some really wonderful bird houses and want to be sure to get one.
They are raising money for a new sanctuary, Ivan took a large chunk of the old one.
Great Gran and I are back to our regularly scheduled knitting. I am working on M’s cardigan and Great Gran’s new project is Helmet Liners for the soldiers. She is really excited because they used to make something similar during World War II. The Denise Needles have really come in handy.