During the Depression, my Great Gran-Dad’s job was buying up the stock of stores that were going out of business. When he came to Bay Minette, he loved the town and the department store so he bought the entire thing, moved here with his family (which included Great Gran) and went into business. Even though he closed the department store years and years ago, there is still store related stuff around (the attic of our house was stuffed with it). I’ve got a couple mirrors and a whole bunch of book shelves (Mom’s got this great yellow cabinet and a Hoosier cabinet that I covet) and Great Gran has an Enormous Box of buttons. She was over here the other day and noticed that I STILL didn’t have buttons on the Must Have Cardigan. She suggested that I go through the Box to find something I liked.

I was not kidding when I said it was an Enormous Box.
There are all kinds of cool things in there. I know, I looked at every single button. So did Betty and Lucy. With further help, I managed to create a short list.

Naturally, my three favorites were one of a kind (bad news when you need seven buttons). But that encouraged me to narrow the field a little further. What did I end up with? You’ll just have to wait until after I attach them and finally display the Must Have Cardigan in Triumph! I hear Monday is going to be almost chilly here…
I did finish the other front to M’s cardigan and have moved on to the back band.

Progress will be suspended for the next couple hours: it’s time for M to get up and dig some holes in which to plant things! The Kiwanis Club’s annual barbeque is today, too. They don’t get GrillZilla out very often and it is really a Sight To Behold.