Don’t forget about Your Chance to Win! Your First Skein is Free entries will be accepted until midnight (central time) on Sunday, March 26.
I’ve made it to the heels on the 2-Up Socks.

Shhhh, M’s working.
I am ready to start the heels. I just need a minute to read through Queen Kahuna’s instructions and figure the whole thing out. Since I haven’t had that kind of time (yeah, that’s the ticket: I haven’t had that Kind of Time), I’ve been working on the LL socks instead!

Don’t you love how the colors “stairstep” down the leg?
I have a confession to make. That is not the leg that the instructions for the Staggered Rib Sox wants me to have. I didn’t feel like there was enough stockinette in that leg. You couldn’t really see colors of the yarn. I’m using #15 from The New Knitting Stitch Library instead. Why I can’t make a pattern like it’s written I surely don’t know. Must be a phase.
Lately I’ve had the feeling that something was missing. I’ve been a little aimless (knitwise, that is).

That’s it! A sweater! This Dyed Cotton in Honeydew from Blue Sky Alpacas is to make Bardot. Incidentally, that is the only pattern in Rowan’s Beach Cool that I want to make, so the book is for sale/trade as soon as I am finished with this little sweater if anyone is interested. At a gauge of 5st to an inch, Bardot shouldn’t take too long.
And now for the Grand Finale:

Mom wins the Knit-a-Long!
Again, I didn’t think one could “win” a Knit-a-Long…Congratulations. I am very proud of you, Mom! Great Gran will be second, she took her scarf along with her on the Colorado Trip (my cousins are skiing, M and I stayed behind to tend the animals: we are feeding a total of 12 cats and 3 dogs a day). She told me this afternoon that she had finished all the baby things and was starting on the scarf tomorrow. Mine looks about like it did the weekend we started.
The LL socks are looking lovely, Emily! I may have to co a pair in that color myself! It’s always been one of my favorites!
i like the pattern you switched to! isn’t blue sky so luxurious? i love how soft it is.
and your mom’s scarf is beautiful!
IS that the Chenille? GRIN. Looks very pretty either way!
Great scarf! And M’s socks look great. I swear, you CANNOT mess up the Queen Kahuna thing. I think with the detailed please let me think for you instructions she gives my 4yo could knit a pair of socks using her book. BTW…I’ll trade you for the Rowan Beach book when you finish (if indeed I’m the first in line).
That picture of M with the socks and laptop (yay Mac people, by the way) is one of the funniest I’ve seen. I think I’d sort of call the socks finished right there — the humor value is just too high.
Congrats to your mom for obliterating the competition in what I’m sure was a cutthroat knitalong. 🙂
The scarf is gorgeous. I really want to try to make a sweater soon. The socks are looking great. The stair step effect rocks! Can’t wait to see more knitting with the LL!! 🙂
I’m on my second pair of socks using QK’s book and loving it! Best fitting socks I have ever made myself. They fit so well, DD#1 is rethinking her stance on no handknits. Enjoy!
Love the LL, of course. Just yummy, yummy yarn right there.
Great pic of M’s socks.. so cute! Aren’t husbands fun the way they will sit still for the trying-on stage of socks?!
And that honeydew color is divine – makes me want to knit up one of those tops also! Is that pattern only in a book? hmm, I’m off to go looking right now..and if Amanda decides she doesn’t want the book (after you’re done) maybe I’ll trade ya for some fiber??
Please let your Mom know her scarf is lovely!
The socks are looking great! I have the Queen Kahuna book, I just need to give it a whirl, I’ll try it with my next pair.
Love Bardot, it will be great for the blasted hot weather you know we are going to get!
Wow! Those LL socks are gorgeous! I haven’t gotten brave enough to change patterns on socks yet, so I am quite impressed. We are carrying Fleece Artist instead of Lorna’s and when our sock yarn arrived the other day I nearly went into hysteria it is so gorgeous. My partner said I can’t have any of this batch. We have to sell it first, then we will order some for me. I guess she is right, besides, I don’t have time to knit anyway!
Please, you must go visit my blog ( and read about my Lorna’s Laces dream! Yes, of course, I entered the first skein free giveaway drawing but I didn’t realize how much trouble I was in until THE DREAM.
Come see the blog.
mmmmm….honeydew. That will make a very sassy spring sweater.
Love that yummy honeydew. What size needle will you be using? I haven’t tried Blue Sky Cotton.
12 cats and 3 dogs are quite a bunch of animals! Does that include your 5 cats?!