First, I just want to take a second to thank everyone who participated In Your First Skein is Free. I gotta tell you, I haven’t had this much fun since Debbie’s Little Yarn Shop had that half-price sale! If it were up to me, I would send every last one of you yarn and I’m Not Kidding. That’s why I knew from the get-go that I could not be in any way responsible for picking the winners! Thanks to M and Great Gran for being such good sports (even though I didn’t bother to ask you if you were willing to participate).
I’m sure that many of you have been watching the results of the Voting eagerly, and I have to tell you that it was insanely close. Insanely Close. In the end, Liesl managed to triumph by a single vote! Congratulations! Vera was her color of choice and will be ordered today.
For the second part of the contest, the names of all of the folks who professed to have never known the joy of Lorna’s Laces were placed in to a Priority Mail box (many on-line yarn stores choose to ship via Priority Mail). At dinner last night (taco salad), Great Gran was gracious enough to select a name for us. I documented the event for posterity:

Who is it? Who’d you pick?!
It’s Ella! Congratulations! Ella indicated that Black Pearl would be her color of choice.
I’ll get this yarn ordered as soon as I obtain mailing addresses – you shouldn’t have to wait a minute longer to fill the void in your lives.
To those of you who by a Cruel Twist of Fate did not acquire your first skeins through this contest, don’t be sad. Remember, the joy of sock yarn dwells in each of us. And in each of us lies the ability to shop on-line in the Pursuit of Socky Happiness. Your LL will come. It will come in time.
The LL is on its way from Knit2Purl2! Ella has decided that she is going to make the Lava Flow Socks from Sock Bug and Liesl (although besotted with Elphine’s Socks) has requested Pattern Suggestions for something Challenging but not Impossible. You can leave suggestions in comments or visit her blog disdressed and tell her directly. She says that perhaps she would like something toe-up?
Well, I won’t pretend I’m not disappointed, especially since I was leading the voting all day (and even at 9:30 EST, the last time I checked)! I console myself with the fact that there is probably, somehow, some way, another source of Lorna’s Laces that wouldn’t be too difficult to access. Now it will simply be a battle between me and my own will power.
Thanks for a fun contest!
So fun! I’m glad that you are spreading the joy of LL all over the knitting nation!
Congrats to Liesl and Ella! Vera and Black Purl! My two absolute favorite LL colorways! You ladies are going to be so happy!
I am so proud (and just a little misty) that I had a small hand in this event. And a special thanks to you, Emily, for joining the ranks of ‘fiber pushers’!
How good of you to enable new sock knitters this way. Truly, you are inspired. And evil. 😉
Since I didn’t win, I decided to order some Lorna’s Laces so I won’t be a newbie anymore. (Well, I might still be a newbie for a while until I get through my list of projects in queue, but at lease I’ll own the yarn.)
Thanks for setting this up. It was great fun!
Congratulations Liesel and Ella! Thank you for letting us play this little LL game. It was a lot of fun 🙂
Awwww! I didnt win!
But hey, I _will_ get my LL because I am doing a veery clever form of yarn bribery + feeding addiction, which means I’m swapping for some of the yarn I knit the large Pi shawl at over on my blog (in another colour) for some LL, some Cherry Tree Hill and some Koigu.. oooHHH!
Oh what we won’t do to satisfy our sock yarn cravings. heh The comments. heh Congratulations to Liesl and Ella! Beautiful names for these girls, picking beautiful colors, and I’m sure the socks they make will be GREAT!
I’m in love with Charlene Schurch’s Sensational Knitted Socks right now and she has some great toe-up instructions and patterns! 🙂
you’re so nice. i need to get myself some ll too. seeing it for the first time at the lys made me a convert…without even buying any. now if i can just finish up all the other sock yarn in the stash…
Thanks for the suggestion, Laura. And Rachel, I’m feeling very guilty about this – like I snatched it our from under you! You were still winning when I went to bed last night, around 9:30. But if you’re interested in trying the self-striping LL, I’m going to share the love very soon! Emily has inspired me. Thanks, all!
Thank’s for the congrat’s everyone. I was so excited today, I told my son “I won Yarn!’ about 50 times. He thinks I’m strange.
Now I have to come up with a way to pass on the love! Maybe bead markers or a box? Hmmmm?
Guess I’d better hurry up and start a blog.
Thanks so much for the fun, Emily! This was a great idea. Congratulations to Ella and Liesl!
Man, Leah beat me to saying that Liesl and Ella rock because they picked the two best LL colorways. Ever. Just saying. And darn you Leah for saying it before me after all, we know iambetterthanyou. Uh huh.
Ok, anyway Em I think your contest idea was precious and I enjoyed reading everyones entry. So happy that a little enabling has reached a bit further. Isn’t it a hoot?